Always Be You Little Man

My Little Wild One,
Some days aren’t easy, and some days the unknown future can get me down, but I want you to know something. It’s never you. It’s never your fault. You are perfect the way you are.
You might always be the oddball, the odd one out. You may be called names. You might get left out, and overlooked, ignored and maybe picked on, but I want you to know something. It’s never you.
The sad thing is people are too busy. The world moves too fast. People are unwilling to take the time to sit down and get to know you and see how amazing you are. They see a ball of energy and that might make them nervous.
But it’s never you. It’s them. They don’t want to see. They don’t have the time or the concern to learn about you. I wish they would because honestly, dude, you are awesome.
You are more that an “energizer bunny,” you are more than jumping, running, and squirming. You are more than a kid who doesn’t respond to questions. You hear, you notice things, you listen. The way your mind works might be different, but it is incredible. Completely incredible, and amazing.
I love watching you and trying to figure out how those brilliant little gears in that gorgeous little head of yours work.
I see you. I see you trying to elicit reaction from every single person you meet. I see you trying to get them to laugh. I see you keep trying, confused as to why they aren’t reacting the way you’d like them too, and I want you to know, it’s not you. It’s them. They don’t get it, but as for me, I love your sense of humor.
I love that you think sneezing is pure comedy and that falling is hysterical. I love that you are so sweet and only want to make others happy. Even if they don’t see it, or get it, or notice. But do you know what? I get it. I notice.
You make me smile and I laugh about your antics constantly and watch videos of you being you every single night while you are sleeping. Because even though days are long and I get frustrated, you are my world, and you have changed me. You are making an impact, baby boy, and you will do big things.
Even though sometimes it feels so hard and lonely, I know we’ll find our village. Sometimes, to find acceptance, we have to venture outside what is familiar. And kid, that’s where we’ll find our people. And listen to me, they are out there.
There are people who will see you, and appreciate you for you, and not for who they feel you should be without your diagnosis. There are people out there who will include you, and love you, and want to learn more about autism because of you, and just think you are the bees knees. Because you are. The coolest.
Who you are is all I ever want you to be. Always feel free to be you.
Your Mom
Written by, Lauren Musial
Lauren Musial is a stay-at-home mom of two crazy boys and a LEO wife. She likes cold brew, a good tub and to pretend that she’s going to start working out soon.
Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.
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