Loyal Dog Jumps on Hospital Bed to Comfort 9-Year-Old Boy With Autism

This story about the service dog that comforts an autistic boy made my whole morning.
I’m not sure if it is because I am an insane dog person. My puppies are my babies. They are my children. Or, if it’s because Cooper will soon be having his fourth surgery. 3 sets of tubes, a tummy blockage and now adenoids. And if I was to rank some of the hardest days of my life those surgery days would be up there.
I would give anything to provide comfort to Cooper. I would do anything to trade places with him. The thought of this innocent boy being in pain is gut wrenching. When he wakes up from anesthesia either Jamie or I have to lay on his body for up to an hour. He wakes up confused, scared and fighting. It’s loud. And is really hard on the parents. Picture a wounded animal in a cage. That’s the most accurate way I can describe it.
This story is amazing. And the pictures are even better. Click HERE for the full story.
On a side note, my angel of the night woke up at 3:55 am this morning. As I pulled him into bed with me I sent a silent prayer to God to please let him sleep. Nope. He spent the next hour rubbing his hangnail on me. I seriously went crazy. If you want to drive a sane person mad please use Cooper’s tactic of rubbing a hangnail on them.
Thankfully he survived the early morning otherwise this would be an awkward post!
This is me rising above, enjoying the joy of the day and sleeping at my computer. Happy freaking Friday friends! I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow said no autism mom ever!!
Hugs re: surgery stuff…It must be so scary for you son when he wakes up out of surgery. I remember having my husband or myself practically lay on my son to get him to sleep…talk about deep pressure cravings to settle. What is it with the rubbing the feet business on our legs. The constant little movements drive me up a tree. I don’t now how my son’s little sister puts up with when they share a bed on the weekends so they have have pretend sleepovers. I think she just drops like a rock. ….have another coffee!
The constant moving drives me batty too. I don’t know how he can always be moving. His body has to physically get tired…right? It’s just constant fidgeting. Coffee poured!!!
The hangnail thing was laugh out loud. Sorry but one of the funniest things I’ve heard in forever! 🙂
I actually built a wall of pillows and blankets in between us and he would sneak the toe through. It was so messed up!!