The Woman Who Makes my Son Successful

I’m writing to honor our son Kash’s school paraprofessional, Susan Reed.
We are so very thankful for the long hours and hard work Susan puts in to make Kash successful.
We are a family of five. My husband Kyle and I are the parents to three incredible little boys. Our oldest, Kash is severely autistic and nonverbal.
We reside in a small Texas community where I was raised.
When Kash was diagnosed, we decided to move here because we knew our little town would love Kash unconditionally and embrace him.
Our move was hard on Kash and school wasn’t an easy or fun place for him. And then Susan entered his life and he fell fell in love with her instantly.
Sue, as Kash calls her, knows my child almost as well as I do.
She is bonded with him in a way that’s hard to explain. From the moment she began working with him, Kash has a complete turn around at school.
She rescued him from a world of being lost in public school education and IEPs.
She makes next to nothing financially and does double the work.
Susan works tirelessly finding new ways to incorporate Kash’s “talker” into his education. Kash has made so many strides due to her hard work.
As a second grader, Kash made 35 points in Acceralted Reading.
We weren’t sure he could read, much less comprehend a book. But thanks to Sue, he reads understands and thrives.
He’s so happy to see her every day and hugs her at the end. Susan makes Kash’s life better everyday.
She makes it possible for us to send it to school without worry.
She loves, protects and teaches him without receiving much praise or recognition.
She’s an angel on Earth, a phenomenal servant of God and such a selfless person.
I could never repay her for what’s she’s done for our boy.
Thank you Susan.
Written by, Katie Kight
My name is Katie Kight and I’m an ex-teacher and stay at home parent to 3 wonderful little boys.
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Katie Kight and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
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