The Friend who is My Son’s World

I am honoring and so incredibly thankful for my best friend Regina.
In 2014 we were pregnant at the same time. Our kids would be five months apart.
We would do everything together and we were going to make sure that our kids did everything together. That was until things changed.
I started to see the differences in our kids as they got older. I ignored it. I was overreacting.
Everyone says boys develop slower anyways. “I have nothing to worry about” I would tell myself.
I remember at his 18 month checkup and the doctor saying the word, autism.
I remember the feeling I had in my heart and stomach, I remember the look on his dad’s face.
I spent the next weeks googling and researching everything I could about autism. And it all fit.
The delayed speech, the pointing, the lack of social skills.
He didn’t receive his diagnosis until age 2 but I knew at 18 months. I knew my life would be different.
Having to tell my best friend that my son had autism was heart wrenching. I actually didn’t tell her for a few days.
I just wanted sometime where only his dad and I knew. I knew once our important people knew, it was going to be more real. I couldn’t go back.
She just reminded me that even though things are different for him, he’s still Aiden. He’s still this amazing little boy who is so incredibly loved and can conquer the world with the right guidance.
She gave me what I needed to hear that day. She gave me the light.
I knew when we were pregnant together that we would be very involved with each other’s children. But right then, I knew she was going to be my son’s world.
Her love and care for my son honestly brings tears to my eyes when I think about it. She has been there for me since day one.
She gets giddy every time I tell her a new accomplishment Aiden has made. She never turns down an opportunity to hang out with “her boy.”
She always wants to try new things with him even though I get anxiety about it. She never cares about his behaviors or when he’s having a massive meltdown in a store.
She never fails to give me that break or be that ear.
Most importantly she allows her younger daughter to be Aiden’s best friend. She always tells me, “she’s going to look out for him.”
Our life and world would be lost without her. She is the true definition of a best friend and we are SO thankful for “Auntie G.”
Written by, Katie Morley
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Katie Morley and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
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