Thank You Friend for Being Part of Our Tribe

Along the journey of Special Needs, we often forget to recognize those people who chose to truly walk beside our families and make a difference.
Maybe, we just begin to feel like they are family, one of us.
In reality they have chosen to to be there, and that’s a choice that deserves to be honored.
With Thanksgiving around the corner, I’d like to take this opportunity to honor, Jake’s amazing speech therapist, Kelly Cadden!
Kelly came into our lives almost three years ago when I embarked on the home school journey. She has been there every step of the way.
Three years ago, Jake was not the same young man he is today, and she deserves a huge “pat on the back” for her part in that success.
Jake didn’t have words, sounds and barely used his Speech device at all. She has hung in there, several times per week, believing, encouraging and teaching Jake. Jake can now, use his device efficiently, speak some words, and is overall more confident.
Kelly is one of the highlights of Jake’s week, his friend, his teacher.
She believes in him, she hasn’t given up when times have gotten rough.
Kelly has been a intricate part in his flourishing.
She has helped give him a voice, and the smile he wears.
Raising a child with special needs is challenging, but it’s people like Kelly who make it easier. I can’t tell you the times, I’ve felt weak, and just un-worthy of my job as Jake’s mom and she lifted me out of those thoughts. Everyone deserves a vital support, that includes a “Kelly”…
Kelly serves many other children and families, and I’m sure she makes them all feel the same way.
I wanted today to tell her, we see you, we love you and thank you for being in our tribe!
Kelly, the co-owner of All for Children Speech Pathology in Auburn, Alabama, is not only Jake’s speech therapist, she is my friend. A God sent friend!
Written by, Luanne Helms
Luanne Helms lives in Opelika, Alabama with her husband, Jason Helms and her 19 year old son Jake. Luanne is the Area coordinator for the Autism society of Alabama for East Alabama.
(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Luanne Helms and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
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Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.