Call for Guest Posts: Siblings

Are you interested in writing for Finding Cooper’s Voice? I am always looking for guest posts that fit within the mission of my site. Posts should be autism related, honest and come from a place of love and support.
August Suggested Blog Topic: Siblings
Let’s talk about siblings! I am 30 weeks pregnant and siblings are on top of mind. Tell me how great your kids are. Or about your decision to have more children after your child was diagnosed. Or your decision not too. Tell me how your kids interact. Or how they don’t. Tell me about your goals. How raising multiple children is going. Or even your struggles. Write about how your kids are superheroes. Or even how they struggle.
Sharing your story can help so many other families to feel not so alone. I promise it will also be so therapeutic for you to write it out. I look forward to hearing from you!
Please Note:
- Include a 2-3 sentence bio with your submission (social channels and blog hyperlinked, please!)
- You can write anonymously if you’d like. Just note that.
- A suggested post title
- Paste your post directly in the body of your e-mail or send a word document. Do not send a PDF. If a post has previously run, please also include the link to where it appears online.
- Readers LOVE photos! Please include 3-4 high resolution photos and a minimum of one landscape size (horizontal) photo for the featured image. Please send the original photograph rather than Instagram image.
- Please keep blog post between 600 and 1,000 words.
Honest pieces do the best on my site. Life ain’t easy. Parenting is hard. Kids are exhausting. This mama loves the truth!
Email your submission to I will contact you if your work is being considered for use.
Other Suggested Topics
- My Advice to Parents of Newly Diagnosed Children
What would you say to a parent that has a child that has just been diagnosed with autism? You’ve been there. What did you need to hear?
Here is an example:
My Message for Parents of Newly Diagnosed Children
- Thank Someone that Makes a Difference in your Special Needs World
This holiday season I am honoring and thanking the doctors, therapists, teachers, friends and family members that make a different in your special needs world. Please include the following: Who are you honoring? Why are you honoring them? Information about you and your family. 3-4 photos including one that can be cropped horizontally and used as the featured image.
Here are a few examples:
I’m Thankful For You: My Parents
I’m Thankful For You: My Family
- Write a Letter to your Child with Autism or Someone Else in your Family
One of the best ways to communicate our feelings to those we love is through writing. I encourage you to write a letter to someone in your life.
Here are a few examples:
A Letter To My Son On His Birthday
A Letter To My Other Son…The Sibling To A Special Needs Child
- My Autism Ah-Ha Moment
The exact moment you realize that your child really does have autism. And it’s really serious. And you can’t hide it anymore. And your child is different than their peers and siblings.
Here is an example:
My Ah-Ha Autism Moment
Finding Cooper’s Voice is a safe, humorous, caring and honest place where you can celebrate the unique challenges of parenting a special needs child. Because you’re never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village….all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier. Welcome to our journey. You can also follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our newsletter.