I’m Thankful For You: My Son’s Creative Arts Therapist

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Carrie Gagne and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
This December I want to honor and thank Katie, my son’s Creative Arts Therapist. While I know we are lucky to have many wonderful therapists and teachers who help Drew every day, we are especially grateful for Katie.
My son Drew was diagnosed with autism at 18 months. He was and still is nonverbal. Looking back now, I was in a total fog. Confused, scared and in complete denial. Then, angry and sad and finally the hardest
Today, Drew is six years old. He has the best smile and gives special hugs to his favorite people. He loves his dad, being outside, swinging at the playground, going for car rides, music, Chick Fil A and the pool.
Every day with Drew is a challenge. He works so hard to do every single thing. It is heartbreaking at times for me to watch but my mom used to say, ‘ALWAYS look at the glass half full.’ Drew has taught my husband and l to be more patient and kind. To slow down and to appreciate everything. And that it’s the little things that really matter in this life.
After Drew was diagnosed, I remember watching a video about a mom who said music helped her son with autism communicate. I wanted to try anything and everything for Drew so I researched music therapy and we met Katie. The minute we met her we knew she would make a difference in Drew’s life. It was obvious she had a unique gift and every special needs kid she worked with felt it instantly. The kids know they are accepted and loved.
Katie has an amazing way of using music to connect with the children and to give them an outlet to express themselves. Whether verbal or nonverbal she gives them a voice.
The way Drew communicates with Katie through her music and instruments gives me hope that one day he will be able to do so much more. She has been with him though so many stages and she has been such a bright light in our lives more times then I can ever count.
Katie brings him to life. The pure joy and happiness I see in his eyes when he is with her reminds me how truly blessed we are to have her. Once a week I get to see my sweet boy ️connect and just be happy and for just a moment l almost forget about autism. Maybe he does too.
She has changed our lives and most importantly Drew’s. Thank you Katie for all you do and for being our real life angel on earth.
Wesley Family Services provides an innovative and fun approach to music therapy for children and teenagers with behavioral, social, psychological, communication, physical and motor/cognitive functioning issues. Click HERE to learn more about their amazing services!
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Warmest regards, Yale and David