I’m Thankful For You: My Daughter’s Village

(Editor’s Note: This article was provided by Cynthia Beneteau and is part of Cooper’s, ‘I’m Thankful For You’ Campaign.)
This November I would like to nominate and honor my daughter’s little village.
Hi Kate, my name is Cynthia and I have an almost three year old daughter on the spectrum. My husband and I live in Michigan and have been married for nearly 20 years. We have two adult neuro-typcial sons who are 19 and almost 21. Ellyana, our princess, was a complete and total unplanned miracle baby. I conceived her with one ovary and after years of failed fertility treatments an entire decade ago! I knew within days of her arrival that she was different than my boys were and we actually got her diagnosis incredibly early at 18 months old. I even messaged you shortly after her diagnosis when I was having an awful pity party night and just down in the trenches. I was overwhelmed and terrified and then I found you.
My little village may be small but it is mighty! I can’t even form the words to express the gratitude and overwhelming love I have for the people in our life.
First, I want to thank my two sons who have really stepped up to the plate in the last few years. In a sense they kind of lost their mom because Ellyana needs me so much of me right now. I never thought I could love them more than I already did but seeing the way they are with this small innocent person just changed everything so much. I couldn’t possibly appreciate them anymore than I already do.
Second, I want to thank Mrs. Kim. Last year Elly started ‘school’ thru our local districts Early On Program and we met Mrs. Kim. This woman is an angel and she doesn’t even know it. Not only is she is a teacher that really loves her job and really loves my child but she has also held my hand throughout this entire journey. And even more, she has taught me so much! She celebrates Ellyana’s triumphs with me and also lets me cry when things get hard. She gets it.
Third, I want to thank my best friend Jessica! This woman has come to my house on numerous occasions to do my dishes and sat with my daughter so I could nap when her sleep regression chaos kept me up all night. She’s watched my child while I showered because it wasn’t safe to leave her unattended for eight minutes. I don’t know what I would do without her either!
Lastly, I want to thank my daughter’s amazing school team. Her teachers, bus drivers and aides have been wonderful. It is incredibly terrifying and daunting to put your two and a half year old on a bus knowing that she cannot communicate her needs to strangers. These people understand how difficult it is for me. They are amazing with her and and can calm me down as a helicopter mom!
Last but not least in any way, I want to thank my absolutely amazing husband! He is so calm and patient with Elly and he is my center of calm and peace in the middle of all of this chaos.
I can’t thank our little village enough!
You can still nominate the doctors, therapists, teachers, friends and family that make a difference in your special needs world. Click HERE to learn how!