Autism and Bed Stripping

My son Cooper has stripped beds since he was two years old. This means that he will remove the blankets, pillows, top sheet, bottom sheet, mattress pad and even the mattress. This also means that every single day of the week I make three beds from mattress up. Mine, Coopers and Sawyers. I want to tell you that of all the ‘behaviors’ that my son exhibits…bed stripping is the worst in my book.The behavior is exhausting and frustrating. I know he is doing it for sensory input. I understand that. He is a sensory seeker and a sensory avoider. It’s a challenge I tell you.
I do everything in my power to provide him sensory input in other ways and keep my beds made. Next month he will be seven years old. I’m tired of making beds.
A Desperate Mama
I am desperate and yes, I’ve tried everything. We’ve put locks on the doors. We’ve used sheet straps. I’ve had him sleep in a sleeping bag. I’ve tried teaching him, telling him there are consequences, modeling and even having him make the bed. I’ve tried it all. And nothing works. My kid strips beds in under five seconds.If I leave a door unlocked for one second the bed is completely torn apart. Another frustrating part about the behavior is that once the bedding is removed he will carry it to different rooms in the house. Every night for the past five years I have had to search for pillows, sheets and blankets. This mama is waving the white flag.
I’ve been desperately searching for a product to try and a week ago I found the Snuggle Sheet from Fun and Function. I just had to try it!
My Initial Review
The sheet is heavy and very soft. I really like the material and it’s obvious that the main purpose of the sheet is to provide compression while the child steeps. I honestly don’t know if Cooper will care about or even need the compression though. My main purpose for trying this sheet it to prevent him from tearing the bed apart. If he likes the compression then that is a bonus. The sheet fits around the mattress like a sack so once on the bed the child will climb in the top. I knew immediately that Cooper was going to think it was pretty cool.
Putting the sheet on was a workout. I wouldn’t want to have to do it every single day so I really hope it works! Here is a video of me putting it on Cooper’s bed last night. Get ready to laugh.
Night One Was a Success
This morning the sheets were still intact! I can tell that stripping this off will be nearly impossible for Cooper. I’m so excited. If your kiddo is a bed stripper I highly encourage you to try this out! It will be a sanity saver! Here is a link to the sheet:
Are you all still using this? My 5 year old with autism takes his sheets off and has begun tearing apart his foam mattress. 😐 I am looking for a solution and wondering if this would be difficult enough for him to remove! I would love to hear if it worked for you guys!
I understand,, I have a 28 year old Autistic son who has been demolishing mattres’es for 10 years and was mentally effected every since that first new mattress had bed bugs inside it,,, NOW HE THINKS THEY ALL HAVE BUGS!! and strips them to bare springs but we love him and we keep on searching… JIM.