The Best Weight Loss Foods to Add to Your Diet

Kate Swenson

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Can you really jumpstart a weight loss journey? Why yes, yes you can! By eating healthy weight loss foods that not only help you shed the pounds but help you stay full longer and feel better.


The Apple

Apples are rich in antioxidants that help rid the body of toxins that can contribute to inflammation in the body and unwanted weight gain.


Celery contains a great deal of inflammation-lowering antioxidants that can help fight damaging free radials, which are thought to contribute to chronic conditions and cancer

Did you know that by prioritizing whole foods, you'll naturally reduce your intake of inflammatory refined carbs, sodium-dense snacks, and unhealthy fat foods, which slashes daily calorie intake...

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Greek Yogurt

Of all the healthy weight loss foods we know, Greek yogurt is closest to being the perfect ingredient for a well-balanced diet.

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Eating eggs for breakfast can make you feel fuller and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day, meaning they're quite the secret weapon for weight loss.

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Almonds are high in protein and fiber making them ideal for weight loss.

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Almonds are also known to reduce belly fat!

Green Tea

Scientists attribute green tea's ability to shrink waists to the beverages catechins, a type of antioxidant that hinders the storage of belly fat and facilitates rapid weight loss.

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Kombucha is loaded with probiotics and probiotics help to support the good bacteria in your intestines, which help keep your digestive tract happy and healthy.

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Have fun with trying new foods. Experiment. Get brave. And as a bonus, you will see the results on the scale! 

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