Autism Is Autism and Your Words Can Hurt

Comments are made; often in the passing, sometimes with direction. I wonder how deeply some people think about what they say to others. Do they consider if they use hurtful words? I’ve been so fortunate during my journey thus far into motherhood. I have received so much support for the way our children are growing. Sometimes, the narrative changes direction. Sometimes, people are surprised to discover autism is a part of our world. It puzzles me. Honestly, with a little knowledge, it is blatantly obvious how neurodivergence is interwoven around…

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When There Is No Silent Night

“Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright…” the familiar, beloved carol that ironically swims around the depths of my mind circa 3am during the holiday season. It is ironic because not all is silent, calm, or bright. Did you know up to 80% of autistic individuals struggle with sleep? For Olivia, it is a lack of sleep that causes the struggle. Since she was 4 months old, Olivia has fled challenges learning to fall and stay asleep. I really do understand the concept that we are all…

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The Measurement of Milestones

Measurement – it’s a natural human instinct. We measure time, distance, capacity, success, and achievement. Many forms of measurement I understand; time and distance for example facilitate civilizations’ successful functioning. There are however some forms of measurement that lack the same definition and purpose. Parents worldwide often over analyze a measurement: the measurement of milestones. From the moment you become a parent other, often well intentioned, people question you with regards to your child’s development. Your email inbox highlights notifications of what abilities your growing baby should have. Mothers’ groups…

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Growth and Autism

Every once in a while, I look at my tiny human, a piece of my heart that walks this earth, and I think ‘you’re growing’. It usually hits me in the morning. That divine window of time before sleep has fully left her eyes, energy of the day yet to take hold. There’s something captivating about that sudden realization that change happens faster than you can blink. Obviously, she’s going to grow. It’s what kids do. But logic is irrelevant when you’ve waded through six years of global development delays…

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I Was Judgmental of Another Mom

Today, I was judgmental. Today I was jealous. Today my heart ached. As we battled through a specialist check up, I had to watch the anxiety build in my daughter. Silent but strong. Fear and irritation consumed her, followed closely by terror, as we progressed from appointment to lab work. The transition led to tears. Then the flapping, stomping body. Then the yells… I’m sure we looked like quite the scene. One melting down kid in one arm, another bewildered kid on the other, mom sweating, flustered, and weighed down…

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